With the world's money printing presses running full tilt it would appear that we are in store for massive inflation. However, if all money loses it value, and nobody has any faith in it. Asset values would have to reset to some new standard that people have faith in - most likely gold and silver would be a start. Mineral assets, arable land, and sources of fresh water would have value but are not very fungible. A new currency based on units of energy may come to the fore. A currency based on energy is not a new idea, though some are considering it now. It's origins trace back to the work of Thorstein Veblen, who considered a society ruled by engineers. This was embraced by both the Marxist Socialism and Fascist National Socialism. The drawback was that the only incentive to work hard came down to FEAR. There was no individual incentive for personal betterment. If fear is the only incentive, the result is slavery. The future does not look good.
thanks The fundamental reasons to be in gold and silver and the shares are the best ever, yet, due to the cartel they are the worst imaginable due to the suppression pressure. THEY must be taken out or there is no hope for our camp. Best Bill PS: Thanks for your input.