Joined: Jun 2016
When all currencies are fiat, does debt really matter? It may matter to the holder of debt for now, but if he has that debt redeemed into convertible cash, it should not matter as long as that cash is viewed as a viable medium of exchange. If then debt does not really matter, and money can be created willy nilly, then why have taxes? There will be those that taxes are simply a means to redistribute wealth - take from the rich and give to the poor. These create issues. If the poor are given money so that they can eat and have shelter, without having to do anything in return, then sooner or later human nature (laziness) will drive more people into the category that gets something for nothing. Conversely if the rich see their money taken away and given to those that do nothing, the incentive to be rich goes away. Eventually you will have a society where nobody does anything but has a sufficient standard of living. Who then will grow the food, make clothing and shelter then distribute it... Robots?? Conceivably. If the money banks can avoid giving money to those it would use it to create speculative bubbles, this could be viable. Some would call this a post scarcity society, others: communism on steroids. The state would then control all resources, and all people. This means no liberty. A society of zombie like human cattle living in prison-like conditions. Or does it mean a society made solely for hedonistic ideals and romping around in a new garden of Eden. Would human creativity be unleashed or just dumbed down to virtual non-existence. One fears that this vision of the future is the driving force of the liberal elite. Who see a future of paradise. I fear the vision of futurist H. G. Wells. His novel the "Time Machine" shows a futuristic schism where the hedonistic Eloi are nothing more than cattle for the Morlock who live in prison like conditions underground. What prevents this - the realization that Gold is the only real money and all else is fiction.