Joined: Dec 2009
Ok – I’m going to post another Gregory Mannarino video. For those that don't know he's an ex lehman emploee who's decided to try and educate the sheeple on what's really happening. In this video he touches on one of his theory's. Here it is in a snapshot. We are in the biggest bubble in history – the debt bubble. With the growth of the debt has come the growth of the human population. He throws up a couple of graphs to make his point. We have been borrowing from the future to have the good times now. With the good times – population growth. When the debt bubble burst’s so will the population. He paints a pretty dark picture of the future but I think it’s worth thinking about and prepare for. I’m sure if you had of told the average Roman citizen during the Roman empire about the dark ages he might not of believed you. Put up some comments on what you think. So lock the door , check your gold / silver, food , water cache and that your AK47 still works and watch video.