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05-04-2011 @ 10:13 AM                          
send p.m.
Joined: May 2010
It looks to me that the cabal are set up to crash the stock market this summer/fall:


1) Gold/silver shares have been pushed down exceedingly far. A stock market crash would push them down lower as investors cover margin calls. This would let the cabal cover a lot of short shares.

2) So far the Fed has not stated there will be a QE3. The Fed needs a stock market crash as a "reason" to sell QE3 to the public to save/enrich the Fed shareholder banks.


1) The cabal has broadly announced the death of Osama. This sets up the perceived potential of blow-back (retaliation) from the middle east such as another terrorist attack on American soil or against American assets. An inside job might be planned to stage this "terrorist attack" that will then crash the stock market and "justify" QE3.

05-05-2011 @ 2:10 AM                          
send p.m.
Joined: Nov 2009
Yes I have to agree the script is plausible.

I remember back to the painful year of 2008.  TPTB crashed commodities first in the summer (gold, silver, oil) then the rest of the market came crashing down in the fall) (whenever I read cycle studies that point to election years having strong stock markets I have to shake my head).  I have to agree that it seems they will have to crash the system again as cover for money printing and to reflate stock markets.  

Wash, rinse, repeat.

If we had the playbook on when these washouts would take place (like the cabal insiders seemingly do) imagine the money we could make.  If indeed they are making the markets, then they can get short ahead of declines and long at bottoms.  It works even better when you can see all the trades and front run them with your computer systems.  If the agenda is to keep wringing money from the system then that is how to do it for sure.

I think they had to weaken PM's ahead of any vote/discussion/drama to raise the debt ceiling.  I just wasn't expecting it to happen until the end of the week, or so violently.

I just wonder how the next few weeks play out - is this a local bottom before another leg higher - or is this the repeat of '08.  Commodities hammered first, then the general stock market. The only thing I do know is that events seem to be happening alot faster then what some of the best, believable prognosticators are putting forth (unfortunately except the majority of PM share action).  Do you think they will try to keep the markets goint to get to new recovery highs on both DOW and TSX to suck in sideline cash, and then turn on the Hoovers, or will things turn down before we get too close to that?  If they can run the markets up to the end of June that could make for a nice good news story - but PM's and oil would/should be at extreme levels by then too.  If I recall the crashing of the commodity complex in the summer '08 was coupled with a ban on short selling banking stocks.  Unless they put in those kinds of restrictions again I think any PM weakness will be short-lived.

My guess is that a potential catalyst for any seismic stock market shift will be coming from China.  Their market isn't doing that well right now, and apparently a massive property boom might be coming to an abrupt end.  Reprecussions from that could be large?  BTW was there a juan revaluation last week.  I had read that it was speculated as possibly happening over Easter weekend, but I didn't think anything was made official... yet today Mike Swanson of WallStreetWindow spoke of it like it was old news, with a chart to support the claim.

The good thing is that even though it really feels like a kick in the a#$ again - I look at the price and still see it at over $1500.  Even silver at $39?  Who would have dreamed that 3 months ago?  It is really unbelivable to me - I just wish the stocks would pay attention the PM prices and 'move on up'.  Many have basically ignored the PM action of the past 3 months.  It is painful to see months of gains erased in hours.

All comments welcome.  Sorry this ended up being a 'core-dump' of economic thoughts, but I have puzzled about many of these things over the past few weeks.  Thanks to all contributors to the board.

This message was edited by ben_2x8 on 5-5-11 @ 2:39 AM

05-05-2011 @ 9:35 AM                          
send p.m.
Joined: May 2010
Ben_2X8 said, "Do you think they will try to keep the markets goint to get to new recovery highs on both DOW and TSX to suck in sideline cash, and then turn on the Hoovers, or will things turn down before we get too close to that?"

Ben, I don't have a strong opinion either way. I can argue "yes" to sucker in more people at the highs and I can argue "no" because not reaching new recovery highs makes for a stronger downward driving chart.

As for your observation that bank stocks could not be shorted before the crash of 2008 (then they crashed), this go around, although not as widely known, according to Bob Chapman the brokerage firms and big banks have been told by the U.S. Administration to discourage their customers from holding long silver positions (then silver will rocket up after they finish unloading their longs?).

05-07-2011 @ 5:06 PM                          
send p.m.
Joined: May 2010
There is a GIANT head and shoulders formation in one of the DOW charts in here that you should have a look at:

Mark J. Lundeen precedes the chart with:

"Now, onto the "horrible possibilities", should the Dow fail to make a new all-time high. Mr. V, from a well visited gold and silver internet site, sent me an article on the huge, eleven year Head and Shoulders (H&S) formation the Dow is currently completing. This is one UGLY chart!"

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